Europe Working Group

Pastoral care of the sick


The Europe Region Working Group on the Pastoral Care of the Sick met on July 5, 2019 at the General Curia.


The group comprises the following members:

Mrs Susana Queiroga (Group leader - PORTUGAL)

Brother Thomas Väth (GERMANY)

Mrs Laura Zorzella (ITALY)

Brother Paul-Marie Taufana (FRANCE)

Mrs Mercé Puig-Pey (SPAIN)


The group examined aspects relating to the Rules, because it worked within the ambit of the Europe Commission. Most of the time was devoted to introducing the members, and the work they were engaged on in the field of the Pastoral Care of the Sick in their Provinces. The day proved useful to enable the members to become better acquainted in view of the teamwork that awaited them, and to see how to project a European vision of the accompaniment throughout the whole Region with regard to pastoral care work being conducted in the Order’s centres based on the document “Pastoral care in the manner of St John of God”.


The members were asked to look at the Europe Region as a whole and not only in terms of their own Provinces, remembering the words of Pope Francis speaking about ‘building bridges’. The meeting then decided on the work to be done and looked ahead to the next meeting that will be held in March 2020.


Dr Carlo Galasso from the Hospitality Europe Office, and General Councillor Brother Joaquim Erra also took part in the day’s work. 



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