St. John of God Fundraising Alliance

The members of the “St. John of God Fundraising Alliance” held its first meeting since the induction of the new General Government and the publication of the programme for the new Sexennium, on 19 June, at the Order’s General Curia. Representing UMICOI were: Brother Angel Lopez (Director), Brother Moisés Martín (outgoing Director), and Brother Pascal Ahodegnon; representing the St. John of God Development Company (Netherlands): Mr David Heyer; representing Juan Ciudad ONGD (Spain): Dr. Gonzalo Sales Genovés and Mrs Ana Meyer; representing AFMAL (Italy): Mrs Monica Angeletti and Dr. Alessandra Ricci; and representing Fundação São João de Deus (Portugal), Mr Rui Amaral.

One of the many agenda items was the project platform. This is an important and reliable tool to be used by all the NGOs, but it has never been used until now, and it was suggested updating it so that the organisations could input their projects and monitor progress with the others.

Presenting their current projects and proposals for future projects, the members recalled once again that before any member of the ‘Alliance’ decided to take up any new request they should discuss the matter with the General Curia’s Missions and International Cooperation Office to ensure that the project is still viable.

All the Associations thanked Brother Moisés Martín Boscá before his departure, praising his dedication across the years on behalf of the most needy people, and standing as a sound example to be followed by all the Order’s Associations and Foundations.

Before adjourning, Brother Ángel thanked all the members and invited them to the next meeting to be convened in November in Lisbon.



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