The General Definitory has committed the sexennium to our Founder
Granada (Spain), 15 - 17 March 2019
Continuing the now well-established custom at the beginning of a new Sexennium, the members of the General Definitory went to Granada to kneel at the feet of our Founder, on 15-17/03/2019. The Brothers went to give thanks to Our Lord for the service they had been given by the last General Chapter and to pray for the intercession of St John of God for the new Sexennium, asking Our Lord for the grace and the blessings they will be needing to be able to joyfully and faithfully perform the mission entrusted to them for the good of the Order, those in our care, and their loved ones.
The days were very intense, as planned.
On March 15, the Brothers went to the Casa de los Pisa, where our Founder died. There they prayed and visited the elderly guests in the home, and the Community of Sisters of Charity of Saint John of God who serve them. The day ended with a fraternal get-together with the Brothers and Co-workers of the Granada hospital.
The following day they went to the Basilica of Saint John of God; this was followed by a reflection on the speech by Pope Francis at the private audience on 1 February, to take up concrete guidelines for the Sexennium which, through the intercession of Saint John of God, were committed to Our Lord at the celebration of the Eucharist.
The members of the new General Definitory then reflected on the Prior General’s closing address to the General Chapter, focusing in particular on points 4 and 5; in the late evening of 17 March, they flew back to Rome where they will continue their reflections on the Plan for the Sexennium.