Enlarged General Definitory
The final meeting of the Enlarged General Definitory of the Sexennium is taking place at the General Curia of the Order on 1-2 October 2018 immediately after the Assembly of Major Superiors attending by the Prior General, Brother Jesús ETAYO, Brother Rudolf KNOPP, Brother Giampietro LUZZATO, Brother Benigno RAMOS, Brother Pascal AHODEGNON, Brother Joseph SMITH, Brother Jairo URUETA, Brother José M. BERMEJO, Brother Moisés MARTIN and Brother André SENE.
It is transacting various agenda items, but the main purpose of this meeting is to conduct an evaluation of what has been achieved in the past Sexennium before the General Chapter, the General Commissions and the Regions of the Order.
The evaluation also includes the means used for animation, such as the Assembly of Major Superiors and other meetings, and offering suggestions and recommendations which are intended to be handed on to the next General Government.