Formation Classes
In earlier October 2016, we were blessed to welcome Brothers Brian O’Donnell and Fermin Paniza who joined us in our Noviciate community in Albuquerque New Mexico, USA. Brother Brian joined us all the way from Sydney Australia and Brother Fermin joined us all the way from Manila Philippines via SKYPE to teach us the “The Life, Charism and Values of St. John of God” and “Biblical Foundations of Vocation and The Psychology of Religious Motivation”.
Isn’t it amazing that we can come together once a week for classes and never have to leave our homes? Amongst the many responsibilities that both Brothers Brian and Fermin have to engage in, they are willing to offer their time, talents and expertize to our new North American Province noviciate.
Not only is Brother Brian instructing our novice Ryan but Brother’s Vincent and Sean are also enjoying and benefiting from the unfolding story of Juan Ciudad and his journeys leading him to be known as St. John of God. The way in which Brother Brian brings the story to life is unique and full of energy. His style of storytelling makes us feel as if we are in the physical presence of St. John of God even though John lived more than 500 years ago.
Ryan finds Brother Fermin’s class very engaging and stimulating to his vocation journey. Brother Fermin’s style of teaching has been very supportive to Ryan.
We would like to thank Brother Brian and the Oceania Province of Holy Family for his time and gift of self to us and those for whom we will minister in the future. We would also like to thank Brother Fermin for his generous contribution and the Philippine Provincial Delegation for allowing Brother Fermin to aid us in properly forming our novice Ryan in the ways of the Charism of St John of God. Thank you Brothers!
Bros. Sean and Vincent