Asia/Pacific and North America Report

Enlarged General Definitory Meeting 19-23 Oct 2015

The Korean Province has issues that have arisen in regard to land and property for our mission in China.


Preparation and challenges as the Vietnamese Province prepares for participation in the regional initial formation programme. My concern regarding adequate and appropriately trained formators for ongoing formation, particularly the Scholasticate.


The Philippines Provincial Delegation continues to provide the focus for regional formation. Regarding the proposed purchase of the property in the Philippines for the Centre for Hospitaller Formation (CHF) that had been approved at the last Asia Pacific Commission (APC) meeting. Unfortunately we were unable to raise sufficient loans within the required time scale to secure this property. I am grateful to those Provinces and Delegations who so generously responded to our attempt, through loans, to make our vision for the future of formation within the region a reality. Sadly, as I have mention, there was insufficient support from all members to allow this purchase to proceed. So where to now?? Well at this time we have discontinued renting the house we had and have relocated the CHF back to Quiapo and hopefully when the various Provinces and Delegations send further participants for the CHF Program then we will look to alternative accommodation arrangements. The ultimate success of the CHF project is of course not dependent on a building but rather the commitment and priority of each Province in sending suitable men for formation preparation. Following lengthy discussions with the Prior General he was still strongly committed to his decision that Brother Vincent must go to the new Province of the Good Shepherd as leader of formation and to accompany the new Province. Since my meeting with the Prior General Brother Vincent’s Canadian visa has been granted so now Vincent can move ahead with his plans to move to Canada.  There was a meeting of the Asia Pacific Formation Team held in Quiapo on July 7th where the Brothers present continued to plan for 2016 Regional Postulancy and continuing Regional Novitiate Programme.


The Prior General has insisted that the Indian Province, despite their resistance, is required to participate in the regional Postulancy Program. The Indian Province has also had some very serious issues to deal with regarding complaints of physical abuse of clients at Vellor. Processes for responding to these issues has been monitored carefully.



Oceania Province continues to maintain as a strategic priority the re-formation of the PNG Provincial Delegation. Frailty and sickness of Brothers as well as Professional Standards issues continue to require major attention of the Province in Australia and New Zealand.


USA Province General Visitation and openness to begin process of dialogue with the Good Shepherd Province regarding the future of the Order in North America.


Recent visit to Good Shepherd Province in Canada with Br Rudolf offering ongoing support of new province.


Regional Conference Korea.


Upcoming APC meeting:

  • proposed change of chair to encourage leadership

  • issues regarding Commissions

  • Stewardship Responsibilities

  • Future planning and funding CHF


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