Richard Tawamana




Papua New Guinea

Richard Tawamana


I first contacted the Order when I was at school. The Brothers who lived near the Walamu high school did a lot to support the Catholic community. They ran a medical clinic, they taught catechism, they conducted communion services and did other pastoral work. After high school I went home and lived a simple village life. One day I attended the ordination of a Franciscan and that awoke in me thoughts of becoming a Brother. The Brotherhood that attracted me was the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God. So, I joined the Order and made first profession in 2007. I then attended a Nursing College where I qualified as a Community Health Worker. Then I returned to Walamu where I had gone to school! There I worked in our medical clinic. On Sundays I conducted Communion Services for the Catholic patients. I also used to assist and accompany our patients when they had to be referred to the next highest health facility. That meant a walk of 3 or 4 hours. Some of the children attending our clinic suffered from serious skin infections for which there was no medicine available in Papua New Guinea. When the Brothers and Co-workers in Australia and New Zealand learned this they bought and sent the proper medicine to us. That underlined for me the significance of having a Hospitaller Vocation which connects us to an international network of people dedicated to the service of the poor, the sick and the needy. 


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