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Curia Generalizia Fatebenefratelli
Ordo Hospitalarius S. Ioannis de Deo

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Information on the Order
News about the Hospitaller Order
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John of Avila, known as the Apostle of Andalusia, was born in 1499 at Almodóvar del Campo (Ciudad Real) and died on May 10, 1569 at Montilla (Cordoba). He was beatified by Leon XIII and on 31 May 1970 he was canonized by Pope Paul VI
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The Africa Region celebrated the first profession of twelve (12) novices on 1 May 2021 upon completing their formation at the Saint Richard Pampuri Interprovincial Novitiate
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St. Richard often reminded people: "Do everything, even the most trifling things, with great love." That is exactly what saints do: doing everything with great love, however trifling
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On 20 to 22 April 2021, the Brothers and Co-workers of the African Province of St Richard Pampuri held a Provincial Conference at the St John of God Hospital in Tanguiéta (BENIN)
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We are most concerned about the recent events in East Timor (which, as we reported, have not caused any casualties or major damage to the Brothers and Co-workers), where torrential rains have caused widespread flooding and destruction throughout the whole country
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April 24 is not only a liturgical Feast for the great Family of St. John of God. Today, the Church is offering the world a Saint who is familiar to us because he is "one of our own", one of our Brothers
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At this very special time for all of us, I send my Easter greetings to all the Family of St John of God and to all the relatives and the guests we are caring for in the Order’s Centres and facilities
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Granada, 16 March 2021 - The appointment of Brother Amador Fernández as the new Provincial Superior took place during the Provincial Assembly of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God being held in the Basilica of Saint John of God in Granada
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On 8 March we shall be celebrating the Feast of St John of God, in this year which has been particularly affected by the coronavirus pandemic, that is still giving rise to so many cases of infections and deaths, as well as causing poverty and suffering
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The Province of Portugal is enthusiastically preparing this World Ecclesial Event
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