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Ordo Hospitalarius S. Ioannis de Deo

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Home Page> ENG > News Archive > Information on the Order > Blessed Eustace Kugler
Blessed Eustace Kugler
10 June

He was born on 15 January 1867 at Neuhaus, in the diocese of Ratisborn, and made his vows in the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God on 21 October 1895. A religious with a profound interior life, he served for 20 years as the Local Superior, and from 1925 until his death on 10 June 1946 as Provincial of the Bavarian Province. He greatly cherished his Hospitaller vocation, following the example of the compassionate and merciful Christ. He patiently endured gruelling interrogations by the Gestapo under the Third Reich with edifying peace of mind, just as he bore the physical sufferings caused by his stomach ailment. His mortal remains rest in Ratisbon, in the Hospital Chapel dedicated to St Pius V, which he had built. Benedict XVI proclaimed him Blessed, and his beatification was celebrated in Ratisbonne on October 4, 2009.



O God, the strength of those who trust in you, who gave Blessed Eustace the singular grace to live in humility with his brethren and to serve the sick with charity, grant us, through his intercession, the strength to put our trust wholeheartedly in you and, with unfailing charity, to serve the suffering and the needy.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,one God, for ever and ever.

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