“Generous in Charity”
Dear Brothers and Co-workers, members of the Family of
Saint John of God,
There is no better occasion than this to remind
ourselves that this year we shall be celebrating the 475th anniversary of the
death of St John of God. Our Founder has left us with a precious yet
challenging legacy which, despite all the years that have passed, we consider to
be still alive and working thanks to the many Brothers and Co-workers who have
made the spiritual experience of St John of God their own, working with passion
and enthusiasm. Our knowledge of history shows us that not many institutions
have lasted this long; many have had their day, and disappeared, although they
leave behind memories of the good they had done; others are already totally
forgotten, despite having made a major contribution to humanity; others are
still struggling to survive, simply to stay alive. Looking at our magnificent
and ancient Order, we realise that despite the time that has passed, the years
have not only left it unscathed, but we see it continuing to regenerate itself like
"stem cells", because when the charism that the Family of St John of
God has adopted and accepted is lived, shared and practised, it unleashes its
own inherent charismatic force, regenerating itself in new forms, shedding
light on new care pathways at the service of poor and suffering humanity.
And the prodigious legacy of John of God is precisely
this: “To love Jesus in the poor and sick, especially the most vulnerable and
fragile.” We have always been driven towards the places where people are living
on the margins of existence, but because we have stayed true to our identity,
we have never lost sight of the Centre: Christ our Lord, who for John of God had
become the very heart of his mission. Jesus' command to love one another in
charity has enabled us across the ages to view history carefully and
far-sightedly, enabling us to reach out to new horizons of hospitaller charity,
which we might translate as ‘regenerating charity’, since God always reveals
himself as charity. Calling to mind the anniversary of the death of John of God
is an occasion for us to appreciate the great spiritual and human gift that Our
Lord has bequeathed to the Church through the work of the Saint of Granada.
Today, all of us are involved, individually, as communities, and as the
Hospitaller Family, in nurturing the Charism of Hospitality, not only through
study, research and using all the resources that science offers us, but additionally
with the power of Charity which supplies oxygen to our Charism, making it ever
more alive and relevant.
A few months ago we concluded our 70th General
Chapter, which was attended by a significant number of our lay Co-workers. On
that important occasion we worked hard on personal and community discernment,
leaving great scope for the Holy Spirit to illuminate our decisions and inspire
our thoughts and reflections. This experience involving the Brothers and
Co-workers proved to be of great importance when drafting guidelines, to shed
light on the future of Hospitality. The richness of the personal charism of
each Brother and each Co-worker has further strengthened the charism of the
Hospitaller Family, emboldening the members of Chapter to reach beyond what has
already been said, what has already been given, and what is already known,
attempting to deepen and to come up with new ideas inspired by the Holy Spirit to
ensure that every new decision is always the fruit of our ideals of charity
towards our neighbour. I believe it is important to continue the work we
accomplished during the General Chapter at the Provincial level, in order to increasingly
enlighten our decisions. I hope that this journey of discernment will
continue at every level – individually, in community, as as the Hospitaller
Family – and make us bolder when deciding on the
choices to be made and the challenges that lie ahead of us.
My dear sisters and brothers, we must not be afraid about
setting out along new avenues, on new projects to be implemented to give
contemporary hospitality a tangible shape. What drives the vitality of John of
God’s Charism isn our faithfulness to God and to the vocation to which He has
called us. The more widely a gift is shared, the wider it expands, reaching out
to the peripheries where humanity is suffering and where, through us, God's
tenderness and love is able to reach.
We feel proud of the path our Order has travelled along
over these past 475 years, with all its ups and downs, successes and failures. Centuries
of hospitality have left their mark on the lives of many people: Brothers and Co-workers
who have sanctified themselves by faithfully deploying the charism of
hospitality, as such a generous expression of charity that it still remains as fragrant
today as it ever was. And it is precisely this legacy that continues to bring
comfort and hope to so many sick, poor and needy people today.
Dear Family of Saint John of God: it is now our turn
to keep this "Spiritual Legacy" alive, since we have been called to
participate in the Charism of John of God in our different ways and in various
forms: our time has come! Let us leave
ourselves open to be challenged, to be questioned, to involve ourselves
fearlessly, because the decisions we shall be called upon to take in the coming
years will prove crucial and decisive for the very future of Hospitality. True
love alone can urge us on to think up new ways of practising charity. True love
leads us to generously reach out beyond ourselves, prompting us to seek the
happiness of others. If it does not, we run the risk of our efforts remaining
at the level of our emotions alone, failing to plumb the depths of our lives or
to truly reach out to our neighbour. Let us walk forward together, supporting
each other, generous in charity.
It is the beauty of the Charism of John of God which still
enables us, today, to see events committed to fostering hospitality. I am sure
that we are capable of putting our heads together to create and design new
experiences of charity. But I cannot conceal my concern about certain situations
where there is a tendency simply to survive, letting time decide, slowing down or
even worse, hindering the development of plans that could give shape and impetus
to the Charism. For some, perhaps, the lack of hope may be leading them to a
static life, devoid of vision and projects, distant from the real life
situations in which we are called to live.
It is my hope that the gift of the Jubilee Year, which
is making us pilgrims of Hope, the refreshing event of our 70th General
Chapter, and celebrating the Anniversary of our Founder’s death, may be
sufficient reasons for us to resume our journey enthusiastically, and drive
forward the kind of hospitality that is increasingly responsive to the
expectations of people today. Fidelity to the Charism means fidelity to God,
and fidelity to God means being generous in charity.
In no. 11 the Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee 2025, Pope
Francis wrote: “Signs of hope should also be shown to the sick, at home or
in hospital. Their sufferings can be allayed by the closeness and affection of
those who visit them. Works of mercy are also works of hope that give rise to
immense gratitude. Gratitude should likewise be shown to all those healthcare
workers who, often in precarious conditions, carry out their mission with
constant care and concern for the sick and for those who are most vulnerable.
Inclusive attention should also be given to all those
in particularly difficult situations, who experience their own weaknesses and
limitations, especially those affected by illnesses or disabilities that
severely restrict their personal independence and freedom. Care given to them
is a hymn to human dignity, a song of hope that calls for the choral
participation of society as a whole”.
Let us take fully on board the Holy Father's Jubilee
invitation in this particular circumstance in which we are being called to turn
our gaze more lovingly and passionately to those who are Our Lord's favourites
and who, in His mercy, He will entrust to our Hospitaller Family, so that
through our care and love they may feel God's affection and tenderness for
As usual at this time of year, I would like to take
this opportunity to announce to the whole Order the result of the 2024 campaign
for the “Construction and start-up of a primary care mental health centre in
Kolda (Senegal)”. I thank you once again from the bottom of my heart,
because the generosity and solidarity of the whole Order has enabled us to raise
At the same time, I would like to announce that the 2025
campaign will be dedicated to our presence in Drohobyč (Ukraine). The campaign
is entitled 'Home Care and Support for People Fleeing War'. I visited
our people in Ukraine last month and have no words that could possibly describe
the devastating impact of this war; a heartfelt ‘thank you’ goes out to our Brothers,
Co-workers and Volunteers who are tirelessly endeavouring to restore health and
hope to the people affected. I thank you all, and urge you to generously
support this new project.
I hope that, for all of us, this New Year will be the
prelude to the dawn of peace and tranquillity. All mankind is in urgent need of
this, so let us invoke together the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and
St John of God, so that our Hospitaller Family may always be responsive to all
those in need, acting with professionalism and love, with practical and inclusive
actions that ensure that no one feels excluded from God's embrace and from the
tenderness of St John of God.
To all of you, I extend my fraternal best wishes and my
gratitude for your invaluable hard work to fulfil the mission that the Lord has
entrusted to us.
Brother Pascal Ahodegnon, O.H.
Superior General