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Ordo Hospitalarius S. Ioannis de Deo

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venerdě 10 gennaio 2025 -  Imposta home -  Aggiungi preferiti
Nairobi - Kenya
Diaconate ordination of Br Richard Kabia and institution to the ministries of Lector and Acolyte of Br Parfait Yordan

An event that is out of the ordinary in the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God, the institution to the ministries of lector and acolyte, of Brother Parfait Yordan Akętre, combined with the diaconate ordination of Brother Richard Kabia Almami, both in the formation team in our formation house in Nairobi, Kenya, by Bishop David Kamau.

The ceremony took place in the community where the stage was set to welcome his lordship the bishop, our guests and brothers who travelled from Ghana, Togo, Malawi and those of the neighboring community of Tigania, in the diocese of Meru-Kenya. Religious Men and women, family and friends came to witness first of all the solemn Mass presided over by Bishop David Kamau, concelebrated by Fr Jacob Ketchen, Father Peter (Chaplain of the scholasticate community) another concelebrant and a deacon.

 Singing, entertainment and dancing by the choir of the Scholastic Brothers together with the Little Sisters of Saint Joseph for nearly 3 hours, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The mass was a solemn one and followed by the reception where refreshments were served in a festive atmosphere in order to combine business with pleasure until evening.

Brother Richard Almami KABIA, offering himself to the diaconate, made his novitiate in Lomé, Togo, then his scholasticate in Nairobi where he received his solemn vows after ardent studies in philosophy, theology and management. Br Parfait Yordan also in the same celebration received his ministries as acolyte and lector.

In His sermon, His Lordship David Kamau reminded us of the responsibility of the religious and of the place of the deacon within the church and in the Hospitaller order; that of serving, of being of service. He highlighted that this requires qualities such as: humility, obedience... For in order to serve one's brothers or the sick as a chaplain, one must be humble. That this ministry they are taking on requires sacrifices, renunciations and listening... of the brothers and the sick for whom they are called to serve daily.

This ordination is for the brothers of St. John of God a holistic sign of care, beyond the physical care that we offer in our centers for spiritual care of all those we receive in pastoral care units.

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