Today, 18 September
2023 at 10:30 am, the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God was honoured with
an audience with the Holy Father, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of
its mission in the Vatican Pharmacy (1874-2024).
The Brothers of the
Order and co-workers of the Vatican Pharmacy, some 150 people, were received by
Pope Francis.
Also present were the Brothers
attending the Course in preparation for Solemn Profession, coming from every
part of the world where the Order is present.
There were naturally many
dignitaries from the Vatican and the Order in attendance,including Cardinal
Vérgez, President of the Governatorate, Sister Raffaella Petrini, Secretary
General, the Father General, Brother Jesús Etayo Arrondo, two General
Councillors, the Brothers of the General Curia, the Prior and Director of the
Pharmacy, Brother Thomas Binish, the Brothers of the Vatican Pharmacy Community,
the Pharmacy Chaplain, Father Julian, and others.
In his address to the
employees of the Vatican Pharmacy, the Pope reminded them that the pharmacist “does
not just hand out medicines, but transmits courage and closeness;”
to express the true meaning of the Vatican Pharmacy, which is "called
to a ‘supplement of charity’, carrying out a service that, in addition to the
sale of medicines, is required to distinguish itself for its attention to the
most fragile people and for the care of those who are ill. It is a commitment
not only to Vatican employees and residents in Vatican City, but also to those
who need special medicines, which are often hard to obtain elsewhere.”
With regard to the
Brothers, the Pope looked back to the roots of history, recalling that “the institution realized a dream of Pope
Gregory XVI, a Camaldolese monk who was well aware of the importance of the
pharmacy annexed to the monastery. It was then Blessed Pius IX who realized
dream, entrusting to the Superior General of the Hospitaller Order of Saint
John of God the task of establishing a pharmacy in the Vatican.”
Pope Francis then
recalled that the Order had “a long tradition in this area, with the pharmacy
of the religious house also serving outsiders in many places. Thus, Brother
Eusebio Frommer, a Fatebenefratelli religious, was chosen as the first
pharmacist, and your unique story began. One hundred and fifty years ago!
“Still reminiscing, almost flipping through an album
of photographs together, it is good to recall an important moment, namely the
service of your Order during Vatican II. Every morning, before the start of the
Council sessions, the Pharmacy premises were crowded with bishops of all
nationalities for the purchase of medicines, and while a small group of
consecrated religious tried to satisfy requests in the various languages, two
other religious nurses were present at the fixed first-aid stations, together with
a doctor and two stretcher bearers, for any other needs.”
The Pope then thanked
everyone, the Fatebenefratelli Community, the lay co-workers, pharmacists and
employees, and urged them to “keep going with generosity…. Yours is not a profession,
it is a mission, because every day you can do so much good, both by making the
service of the Vatican Pharmacy ever more efficient and modern, and by
manifesting that attentive care and that caring welcome which are a witness to
the Gospel for those who come into contact with you.”
His closing words
were: “Be very patient, remembering that
patience is the litmus test of love. And, finally, a small piece of spiritual
advice: every day, raise your eyes to the Crucifix, turning your gaze to God,
pierced and wounded. The service you provide to the sick is a service rendered
to him. And it is good to draw patience and benevolence from the heavenly
Doctor, and the strength to love, without tiring. In his school, from the desk
of the cross to the counter of the pharmacy, may you too be daily dispensers of
mercy. I bless you and ask you, please, to pray for me. Thank you.”
After the audience at
about 11:00 am the Brothers enjoyed light refreshments and a visit to the
Vatican Pharmacy, for the first time for some, where the day’s work had already