The Asia Pacific
regional assembly held at Damayang in South Korea from 28th August
to 31st August 2023. There were 28 participants from the region. Few
of them could not come due to visa issues or some health issues. From the
General Curia Bro. Joaquim Erra Mas, Bro. Joseph Smith, Bro. Vincent were
present. Bro. Binish Mulackal from the Vatican Pharmacy was also present as he
is a member of the General Preparatory commission of the General Chapter.
Provincial of Rome Bro. Luigi has also participated but Provincial of Portugal Bro.
Jose Paulo could not come due to a small home accident just before his planned departure.
A Salesian priest from Chennai, India Rev.Fr. Maria Arokiam Kanaga was the
facilitator of the regional assembly.
The assembly went
well. The programs of the assembly were organized for each day as per the
direction of the General Preparatory Commission for the General chapter. The
participants had a general consensus regarding the discernment process of the
next General Chapter, its methodology and the scope of the Regional Assembly. The
participants tried to expand the current tent of their consciousness, by
exploring, and being sensitive to the world around, as well as the world within
the Order in its various relevant areas, both internal and external. The
members worked in various groups on different themes after having a consensus
on the themes. The members of each group were dynamic and all of them were
enriched by lively discussions that took place in each group.
Then the members
explored the world with far sighted vision. The assumptions of the future of
the world with its new trends will have far reaching impact in shaping and molding
newer vision and plan of actions without compromising our Gospel values. The
members also reflected on how the Order would be in 2030. Finally, each
Province set up Sensing Groups in the Province, the number of sensing groups, the
number of members in each sensing groups, choosing relevant new themes, who are
the people to be invited, the process of coordination and reporting etc. with
clear time table. The facilitation was excellent.
Korean province
organized the assembly with perfection and the participants enjoyed the
hospitality of the Brothers and Co-Workers. After the assembly on 1st
September Asia Pacific Provincials met for a half day to discuss other matters
of the region.