The Order's General Commission on Vocations Promotion and Formation met in
Rome on 24 and 25 November 2022, attended by the following Brothers: Brother
Dairon Meneses, General Councillor and Commission President, Brother Luis Marzo
of the Europe Region, Brother Cesar Arroyo of the Latin America and Caribbean
Region, Brother Elvis Do Rosario of the Asia-Pacific Region, Brother Joseph Van
of the Asia-Pacific Region (via ZOOM), Brother Leopoldo Gnami of the Africa
Region, and Brother Ronan Lennon of the WEONA Region.
Each one of the Regions of the Order presented a report on the work that
had been carried out during the year on Vocations Promotion, the state of the
Formation Houses: postulancies, novitiates and scholasticates, and Continuing
Each Region of the Order then presented a SWOT 2022 evaluation of formation
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). The work focused especially on detecting
weaknesses in order to help us to understand and accept them, and to manage
them in order to turn them into strengths.
The Regions also shared an evaluation of the work which is being carried
out in implementaton of the Lines of Action delegated to the Commission on
Vocations Promotion and Formation by the 69th General Chapter.
Lastly, the meeting discussed some of the activities to be implemented in
2023, such as the Week of Prayer for Vocations, participation in World Youth Day
in Lisbon, Portugal, and updating the Formation document "The Formation
Programme of the Brothers of St John of God" (Rome 2000).
All this work proved to be very enriching, emerging as it did from the
real-life situation in each of the Regions, acquainting us all not only with
the work we are engaged on, but also making it clear what we still had to do
according to the guidelines delegated by the last General Chapter, as well as to
meet the needs of the Church today.