Our first
announcement is the joyful news that on 10 August, Brother Ciriaco Nuin, in
Zaragoza (Spain), celebrated his 101st birthday. He is currently the oldest
Brother in the Order. Thank God, he is in good health, and a beautiful
celebration had been prepared by the Brothers and Co-workers of the Hospital.
We send him our heartiest congratulations and best wishes.
In September,
in-presence meetings have resumed at the General Curia. Unfortunately, we are
still in the pandemic, but with the proper precautions, we can now allow this
type of meeting. On 3 August, a group of Provincials and Councillors of the
Provinces of France, Portugal and Italy met to take up from where the June 19
Paris meeting had left off. The Brothers on the Europe Commission’s Working
Group on the Hospitaller Religious Life met on Monday 13th, and on Tuesday
14th, a group of Brothers and Co-workers met to discuss the juridical
structures of the Order.
The meeting of
Major Superiors is scheduled to be held on 29 November to 3 December. We expect
almost everyone to be able to attend and we will lay on an on-line link for
those who are not yet able to travel due to the pandemic.
We hope to be
able to continue holding these in-person meetings and to move the programmes
forward. We shall also continue using the online links when necessary and for particular