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Curia Generalizia Fatebenefratelli
Ordo Hospitalarius S. Ioannis de Deo

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giovedì 26 dicembre 2024 -  Imposta home -  Aggiungi preferiti
General Definitory

The General Definitory convened at the General Curia in Rome on 8-10 January 2018 to conduct an evaluation of the previous year and to examine the activities scheduled for 2018.

They reviewed the activities of the Definitory and the General Commissions during 2017, and particularly the meetings of the Council (and the Enlarged Council), the Assembly of Major Superiors, the final Canonical Visitations which were still pending, the work of the General Curia throughout the year and the activities performed in the various Regions of the Order.

The General Definitory then addressed the events scheduled for 2018, and in particular the forthcoming Provincial Chapters between January and until after Easter.

There was a detailed discussion on the preparations for the General Chapter which were moving ahead quite rapidly. The next meeting of the Preparatory Commission would be held in April immediately after the Provincial Chapters, while the Logistics Commission would continue meeting over the coming months to work on the strictly organisational aspects of Chapter.

The General Definitory meeting was held in a fraternal climate and a spirit of collaboration, animated by moments of prayer and sharing.  

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